Kids in France are Forced to Play in Isolation at Schools

Kids in France are Forced to Play in Isolation at Schools
Опубликовано: Wednesday, 07 February 2024 22:36

The doomsday virus is killing the very construct of what it means to be human. Its a sick demented world we live in today and from here it will only get worse and worse. Despite all possible and impossible reports showing that children are completely/fully IMMUNE to the coronahoax virus and its only the elderly with ages over 80 who are being affected and not even those at a 100% rate, they do this to kids. They forced them to play separately in squares… this is an atrocity. They are acting like this virus is a death sentence with a 100% death rate.

Like if you get it, you’re dead, there’s no way out. That’s simply just NOT THE F-ING CASE! Even according to the official statistics the virus has a 2% to 4% death rate according to the age and preconditions people have. Now the reality is much different as there are FAR MORE people infected or have been infected and recovered without a single treatment, this making the death rate even smaller, more similar to that of the ordinary flu like H1N1. This whole thing is an artificially constructed hoax.

The virus is real but it doesn’t have the power they are saying it does while it has almost completely ZERO power against children. So why separate them??? Because they wanna ruin everything, they wanna make a zombie society in which we have no remorse, sympathy, nothing just like in China where you walk by and see others dying, falling, etc and not reaching a hand out to help them…

Here’s part of the report from the DailyMail:

A heart-breaking photograph of nursery school children forced to play in ‘isolation sections’ in French schools has caused shock and outrage.

The photo, taken in the town of Tourcoing on the border with Belgium, shows boys and girls forced to stay away from each other inside areas marked out with chalk.

It comes after three and four-year-olds were allowed to return to classes following two months of lockdown after the French government eased restrictions this week.

‘I can’t get over this,’ said historian Laurence De Cock, who posted the picture on Twitter. ‘This image is heartbreaking. We can’t call this “school”.

Lionel Top, a TV journalist with the BFM news channel, took the photo on Tuesday and said the children had been told to stay in their zones.

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This ladies and gentlemen is a crime against humanity of epic proportions… Remember that they are doing this while at the same time they are receiving thousands of brown invaders into Europe each and every single day, all packed together. There’s no social distancing for the browns, only for whites, ONLY!

Well at least this is causing “shock and outrage”, at least that’s good.

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